I’ve used if for years on many muzzle devices. FAIL! Now it seems the next method to try is keeping it in hot water for 30 minutes to dissolve the. . Weight. Looks to me like the can is able to get seized on the device. 8mm SPR/M4 since it uses the same mount as the SCAR-H. Ready to serve. It helps to give it a hard smack with a hammer on the wrench to help break the hold, then they come off quite easily. Rocksett is significantly cheaper though. Precision Armament sells a nice set of varied thickness shims. Going to give the 10 min boil method a go, and if that doesn’t work I’ll try to soak it…Rocksett actually isn't very strong adhesively so if you are using it for an interference thread filling fit it needs to be runny enough to flow and coat. . Top. [#4] I typically use Rocksett. No difference in the product. IndividualResist2473 • 6 mo. LANTAC Dragon GenTech Quick Mount . Just let it soak for a while, then try and break it free and repeat the process. 2. RocksettRocksett by Flexbar has a Temperature rating of up to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, which far exceeds that of Red or Blue Loctite. You'd be shocked at how many different thread locking compounds those Loctite guys make. It requires around 400 F to soften. Then use a geiselle reaction. Rocksett,4 OZ. This is the correct, and only correct way to break rocksett free. If they're headless set screws, then I would explore staking, solder (silver, not lead), or Rocksett - in that order. 5. Phil Posted: 8/29/2014 9:19:13 AM EDT [#4] Quote History. Repeat again and it will come right off. Non-toxic - odorless - non-flammable. 3. Aug 16, 2004 2,561 0 Hightaxes,Virginia. The soaking work you have done should have effectively broken the adhesive bond. Rocksett,2 OZ. 223 Wylde to 6. T. Rocksett,2 OZ. I just do a drop or two, you don’t need every thread dripping wet. Mermod Fréres Station Cylinder Music Box. I tried some on my 9 open pistol, properly cleaned and applied, baked at 175 for fifteen minutes, which they claim makes a stronger bond. It's water-soluble, almost like sugar. Even with 271, it is not used in the correct application, although it is adequate, and does not have full strength. Rocksett is just sodium silicate (AKA "liquid glass") and potassium silicate. Do not use a t. Technical Specs. Rocksett,2 OZ 929 50+ bought in past week $1395 $8. I would not try 2 and 3. CKOD Silent But Deadly Posts:1308 Joined:Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:39 pm. I looked at the xeno. Rocksett won't, it's just the wrong product for the job. Formed in 1986, the duo became an international act in the late 1980s, when they released their breakthrough second album Look Sharp! Their third album Joyride, released in 1991, became as successful as its predecessor. It is NOT very heat resistant at all. 75" or better with that same load for him now. Posted: 9/26/2013 8:01:27 AM EDT. It is weaker by far than loctite blue in my experience, but it damps resonance and it will remain viable to something absurd like 1200deg. ” sigmonkey-2020 “A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior. 00. Professional gunsmith here. 04 mi. for pricing and availability. I just keep on repeating till I can twist hard around the threads with the clean paper towel and zero residue. . The rocksett just keeps it in place as things heat up. Joined: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:40 am. be happy to meet up with you somewhere or whatever. Details. I just thought it silly to not ask when the expert is. Features: Incredible temperature resistance, -350 degrees F up to 2,015 degrees F. BANNED!!! May 7, 2015 592 Glen Burnout. 4. Antisieze and proper torque serve me well. Feb 3, 2012 165 Walkersville, MD. Posted: 2/4/2017 3:02:39 PM EDT. “You may beat me, but you will never win. Clean the threads, apply Rocksett, torque it to spec, let sit for 24hrs. 308/7. Oct 1, 2020 #3 ; Any tips for cleaning the threads besides hot water and a brush? Zak Smith TBAC Guy. Rocksett when you take a brake off lookes like a white crystal type substance. I would never suggest to anyone something I wouldn't use to trust my life to. Shipper takes their time shipping. I put about 30 rounds through it, it's holding accuracy thankfully but the integrity of the Barrel is what has me worried now. ^^^Rocksett is heat resistant ( ~ 2,000 deg) but water soluble. Small applicator holds enough for a couple of mounts. Grand Format Cylinder Music Box by Nicole Frères. Reactions: JAL. I live 2 hour’s away and it took almost 3 weeks. 139 reviews. Posted: 6/28/2020 1:29:30 PM EDT. doubloon Silent But Deadly Posts:11897 Joined:Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:02 am Location:Houston-ish. Same Day Home Delivery. " Posted: 8/15/2022 11:52:46 PM EDT [#16] Quote History. The first mistake was using Rocksett in the first place. Oct 14, 2012 #6 M. Heating the water decreases its surface tension, and so it can soak into the thread joint faster. LEARN ABOUT EASY PAY Get What You Want With Easy Pay. It is a vibration/resonance dampener with mild "holding" properties. Then wiped off as much Rocksett as possible. Blue 243 has a little higher temp rating than regular blue but is harder to find. You don't need Rocksett, duct tape, chewing gum etc,. Features: Incredible temperature resistance, -350 degrees F up to 2,015 degrees F. $98,500. That is why the parentheses are place around "zero torque. Never any health hazards with Rocksett. Feb 13, 2017 1,465 1,712 Weiser , Idaho. Never an issue. ” Chris Baker :There are ceramic based adhesive products such as Rocksett, that mfg's commonly include for assembly of muzzle brakes / suppressors since the adhesive is stable to 2000 deg F. Just looking for a small bottle of or a single use thing of Rocksett. They said soak it in water for 20 minutes to a few hours. ago. I explicitly asked him to use Rocksett but apparently the little tube in the adapter had dried up and. 8 out of 5 stars. Apr 7, 2019 #2 AK shooter Redneck with a gun! Rating - 100%. Rocksett. Anyone close by? Jun 16, 2015 #11 friendlyhippo Banned. Verified Purchase. Red Loctite is cheap and available locally. The tooth will wear down or break off eventually and you wind up scratching the hell out of. After the device is removed, soak it in hot water again and scrub the remaining rocksett out and off the barrel threads. Threadlocker acts as a sealant while also preventing fasteners from loosening over time. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazon’s store. 50+ bought in past month. Surefire muzzle brakes are suppose to be installed using rocksett. Usually only a few hours. Rocksett. r/GunAccessoriesForSale. Staff member. ROXETTE GRANDES EXITOS || The Very Best Of Roxette || Roxette Greatest Hits Full AlbumROXETTE GRANDES EXITOS || The Very Best Of Roxette || Roxette Greatest. I've applied this formula to a lot of different AR's from . 3. Moderator. Anyway, after most of a mag it was spinning loose. Rocksett can usually be broken by tapping the screw with a bit and hammer. The SKU difference is the size of the bottle. insults on interference fittings. Open until 8PM. All my surefire suppressor adapters (muzzle brakes and flash hiders) came with a small tube of Rocksett. Mar 31, 2012 1,457 21 EL Chuco. Model # 50112. Posted: 10/19/2020 2:28:33 PM EDT [#3] Quote History. After you get to the store, park in a designated Curbside Pickup space, which is usually located near the front of the store. Loctite doesn’t lose all holding power after being heated beyond its advertised temperature rating. Obviously, I don't need a lot. 62. Apr 11, 2021I had a shop install my dead air brake while shopping around and they used a shit ton of rockset apparently. IM me your addy I have an extra AAC rockset packet. Select Dealer to see price. ago. Any supprrssor mounts like the TB CB do not get rocksett. 09-10-12, 14:19 #2. That and they locked it in with "a better thread locker than the Rocksett,. and D. The strongest a person can really tighten down a inch diameter rod to an inch diameter rod is about 10 ft/lbs by hand. The small torch has always worked for me. You should also dimple the surface of the barrel where the set screw will contact, if the barrel maker did not mill a. Popular for muzzle brakes / recoil compensators and suppressors. 4. OUT OF STOCK. If that doesn’t work, try more torque and some reasonable impacts on the wrench or muzzle device. For the love of all that is good and holy, do NOT rocksett your gas block. Rating - 0%. I see a muzzle device threaded onto a barrel and a can threaded onto a muzzle device. E. 102 reviews. 1. Proper torque may be all that is necessary, but this seems to work for me and I haven't have any trouble removing muzzle devices. However simple water immersion, not heat, is employed to dissolve the adhesive for parts disassembly. The new MR556A1 now ships with a Gen 3 PMAG, tools, lock, and user manual. 99 (Save 10%) $128. Featuring familiar AR controls, you can respond confidently and effectively, even under adverse conditions. Done. If they used a LOT you may need to soak it in water. It is water soluble and has a 1 year shelf life in its container. Find My Store. I hated every customer I had. Show them what's up with the merch. On a lighter gun, say less than 223 recoil, I’d just use antisieze if it was closer. Rocksett is commonly misunderstood. Acacian Special Event: MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust: Dutch CH, Winster 14, Benelux Winster 14 Smart Phone van de Beerse Hoeve:Here's the question: when I pulled the brake, I noticed that the Rocksett had started to set and change color. I have seen numerous problems caused by too much Rocksett, so if you use it--- just do it sparingly. Select Dealer to see price. 0 N/mm2 or MPa (460 p si) Temperature Range -180 + 1 100 ° c Gap filling >. 20 (100%) According to the instructions that came with my bottle of rocksett, you can cure it quickly by heating it to 175 F (80 C) for 15 minutes. Thanks for watching! Part numbers are located below. Rocksett is the Industry Standard for Muzzle Brake Applications due to the temp rating and removable. With more than 6,000 O'Reilly Auto Parts stores across the US, there's always an O'Reilly Auto Parts near you. To remove just heat up muzzle device for about 45 seconds then stick in water (let soak for about 15 mins). 95 ($4. Yeah no. But I understand where you're coming from because why YHM doesn't make it easy with their shitty wrenches. Water is the way to get it off.